The North Dakota Study Group (NDSG) on Evaluation’s membership includes many prolific authors and educational leaders. Works listed below are available for purchase, as listed. If you are a member of the NDSG and have a publication that you wish to have listed here please contact the Webmanager.
Teaching and Learning on the Verge
By Shanti Elliott
More Details and Online Shopping at Teachers College Press
Author’s Note: Based on 20 years of teaching experience and research in schools across the country this book demonstrates how educators in all disciplines can integrate civic engagement, multicultural literacy, and leadership into their classrooms and programs. Featuring voices from literature and philosophy in dialogue with the living stage of classrooms, streets, and community spaces, this book offers an imaginative and practical guide to democratic education.
Progressive Museum Practice: John Dewey and Democracy
By George E. Hein
More Details and Online Shopping at Routledge (now holds Left Coast Press)
Author’s Note: The book, dedicated to Vito Perrone, explores the work, philosophy, and impact of John Dewey in relation to his importance for museums. Giving special attention to the progressive individuals and institutions who followed Dewey in developing the foundations for the experiential learning that is considered best museum education practice today, the book emphasizes the two major components of Dewey’s educational philosophy, his advocacy for experiential pedagogy as well as his consistent socio-political aim that education should support democracy and social justice. The book includes a detailed discussion of Dewey’s significant 30-year friendship with Albert C. Barnes, and how the two influenced each other.
Holding Values: What We Mean by Progressive Education: Essays by Members of the NDSG
Edited by Brenda S. Engel with Anne C. Martin
More Details and Online Shopping at Heinemann Publishers.
Editor’s Note: We’d appreciate any reactions, thoughts, comments, suggestions.
Many Children Left Behind:
How the No Child Left Behind Act Is Damaging Our Children and Our Schools
Edited by Deborah Meier and George Wood, with essays by Meier, Wood, Linda Darling-Hammond, Stan Karp, Alfie Kohn, Monty Neill, and Ted Sizer
More Details and Online Shopping at Beacon.org.
Failing Our Children: How “No Child Left Behind” Undermines Quality and Equity in Education; An Accountability Model That Supports School Improvement
By Monty Neill and Lisa Guisbond
Ordering information: Contact Fairtest.org
“You Won’t Remember Me”
The Schoolboys of Barbiana Speak to Today
By Marvin Hoffman
Part of the Between Teacher and Text Series
More Details and Online Shopping at Teacher’s College Press.
Small Schools: Public School Reform Meets the Ownership Society
By Michael Klonsky and Susan Klonsky
Series: Positions: Education, Politics, and Culture
More Details and available for purchase on Amazon.com. Published by Routledge.